The Ashoka Tree works with over 2000 anganwadis in Kerala.
The following are verified requirements for these play-schools that cater to about 20 children in each (between the ages of 2-6 years).
First-Aid Boxes | Rs 458.00 each
Every childhood memory is filled with laughter, running around, playing and an equal number of tears and scraped knees.
Here's the thing, if each time you hurt your knee, there was somebody to put a band-aid on it - what's the reason every other child doesn't have a band-aid available to put on her little injury? The Ashoka Tree First-Aid Boxes contain everything from band-aids and Dettol to thermometers, pediatric paracetamol and nasal saline. There's nothing on the planet that says she has to wait with a burning forehead till her mother comes to pick her up later in the day. |
Play-School Stationery Supplies | Rs 10.00 - Rs. 150.00
Every crayon counts. It truly does.
Having a pack of crayons to color with or a notebook to write in is not a part of living a privileged life. Having more than enough and not knowing what to do with all those extra unopened packs is. Here's how you can help. Every unused crayon, every unused sheet of paper, every eraser, every paintbrush that remains unused is collected by The Ashoka Tree to create new art and stationery kits for children to use. If you have a couple of unused coloring books, a couple of crayons or color pencils to share - If you'd rather contribute just one packet of new pencils or one notebook, get in touch with us. |
Book & Toy Boxes | New / Used (in good condition)
The right to play is not a luxury. The right to have books to read is not a luxury. The right to having toys to play is not a luxury.
When understood rights, human rights sometimes begins with the right to smile. The Ashoka Tree aims to bring smiles across all those little faces we meet at un-aided play schools across the country. If you have books / toys, either new or used (in good condition), get in touch with us so we can spread more smiles today. |
Light Bulbs & Fans | Rs 175.00 (per LED bulb) - Rs 1000.00 (approx. per ceiling fan)
It makes a difference to be able to see when it's dark. It makes a difference to get some breeze in this summer's relentless heat. It makes a difference when you're under a fan, it makes a difference when you're not.
The next time you walk into a room and automatically switch on the fan, stop for a moment and think. There are pretty high chances that a little group of 2-6-year-olds are spending their day in a room without a single fan less than a kilometer away from you. |